Saturday, June 27, 2009

???-and-Model Couples

Does anyone else wish he/she was an Actor dating a Model?
I wish I was...

Actually... No, I wish i was a Football-er with a Model...

Whatever... conclusion... models are hot, which is why they are models.

(the photos create bias; sorry.)

I lied ....
The truth is I wish I was Spider-Man
dating Lindsay Lohan

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"I Know"

I HATE the majority of kids between age 8 and 14. Why you ask?
... because apparently they don't know any other combination of words other than, "I Know" (in that sequence).
What-The-"F" DO YOU KNOW, REALLY. (does a rhetorical question require a question mark? I Don't Know. Someone help me out.)
Just because you have the intellectual capacity to know when your birthday is now, doesn't mean you know everything.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I can't wait to see PUBLIC ENEMIES next week!
Release date is Wednesday, July 1st. I will write a review next week after i watch it.

I can't wait for Alice in Wonderland to come out next year!

I LOVE Johnny Depp! (NO HOMO)
I wish I was Johnny Depp.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I just did Mat Pilates for the first time tonight, and I feel GREAT.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


i am at taehyun's house (which is pretty dope), and he has the most amazing picture as his background on his comp. here it is, for all to enjoy.

my favorite kate beckinsale quote, "I've got enormous hands, like a transsexual, and that's probably why."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


1. BlogSpot is the new Xanga.

2. Twitter will fall off the face of the earth within the next few years, unless they figure out a way to make the features they offer through their services STICK... and I don't think that's going to happen with the Management they have now.

3. Yelp is going to be HUGE... unless you use the word HUGE to describe Facebook, then Yelp is going to be REALLY BIG.

Your Child's Personal Chauffeur?

SO, the other day, I was at the tiny outdoor mall near my house, and I saw this middle-aged man get into a Maybach.... oooo.... NICE.

The Maybach was definitely his. So then, my next question is, "WHY ARE YOU GETTING INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT?" Third question, "Where is you Driver?"

The experience of sitting in the back-seat of the Maybach is what you're essentially paying for when purchasing a Maybach. Am I not right? This dueche-bag is most likely driving around his kids in this Maybach.... what's worse is his children are going to be bigger deuche-bags than he is. Why, you ask? Well, because their father is their personal Chauffeur, they're going to grow up with a delusional sense of entitlement.

Second issue is... if you don't have the money for a personal driver, why do you have a Maybach?

I don't know... maybe the dude does have a chauffeur, and it was the chauffuer's day off because the dude is a nice guy and doesn't mind looking like a deuchebag so that his driver can have a day off.


Something I wrote a month ago, when I didn't have this blog...

(thought this would be okay to start with)

Title: I SUCK @ LIFE

story of my life:
scored a 1510 on the SATs, and the only school that accepted me was Boston University's College of Arts of Science -- due to self-sabatoge. (A third of my friends on FB are from BU; I hope they don't take this the wrong way... but seriously, i should have attended a tier one school, and everyone who knows me will agree with this.)
If I remember correctly, i think BU was my safety and Binghamton was like my super-safety.
I then got kicked out of BU (because i suck @ life).
... and then, instead of getting my shit together, i went to korea. why did i go to korea? because i suck @ life, that's why. this was another retarded decision (for oh-so-many reasons). when i came back to America, i still couldn't get my shit together.

... everything before this (and, to some extent, after this) has been pretty much the same thing in different form.

now, i am at Hofstra University studying Finance, and i work part-time. i have a 3.8 GPA, and i am on schedule to graduate next spring, but honestly, when i look at myself, I STILL SUCK @ LIFE, just not as much as i used to. e.g. My friend and I at the beginning of the year "planned" to launch our business by the end of the the year. It is now 6 months later, and we have made very little progress.

sometimes i like to think that i am from korea, and the reason i am graduating 2 years later than the standard 4 years in America is that i went to the Army for 2 years because it is mandatory for all korean males to do so... but why kid myself.

p.s. just wanted to write down how i felt.

*if you so happen to read this, please refrain from leaving cliche comments... because then not only will i be suffering from a brief stint of depression (which can sometimes be beneficial) but also from an extreme case of nausea.
and i know some of you will be overcome by an urge to leave a cliche JUST because i asked you not to; please fight that urge. damn 청개구리's (i wish they had a word/phrase/term for this in english).