Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Your Child's Personal Chauffeur?

SO, the other day, I was at the tiny outdoor mall near my house, and I saw this middle-aged man get into a Maybach.... oooo.... NICE.

The Maybach was definitely his. So then, my next question is, "WHY ARE YOU GETTING INTO THE DRIVER'S SEAT?" Third question, "Where is you Driver?"

The experience of sitting in the back-seat of the Maybach is what you're essentially paying for when purchasing a Maybach. Am I not right? This dueche-bag is most likely driving around his kids in this Maybach.... what's worse is his children are going to be bigger deuche-bags than he is. Why, you ask? Well, because their father is their personal Chauffeur, they're going to grow up with a delusional sense of entitlement.

Second issue is... if you don't have the money for a personal driver, why do you have a Maybach?

I don't know... maybe the dude does have a chauffeur, and it was the chauffuer's day off because the dude is a nice guy and doesn't mind looking like a deuchebag so that his driver can have a day off.


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